As Intuitive Introverts (I am an INFP-A), we can accomplish some crafty and often amazing things, when we listen to and trust our intuition.
This can be a challenge to do, if we let too much of the busy noisy world into our psyche.
So, the other day while out and about I saw a decoration that inspired me, but it didn’t trigger acute emotion. However, I tucked the idea away in the back of my memory to noodle on it further.
Later that day, while in a quite state of flow (wrapping some holiday gifts), the image of what to create bubbled up based on the seed idea that I had earlier in the day.
So, without hesitation or letting the old left judgmental brain chime in that you have no idea how to create a holiday wreath, I marched of the craft store to roam the aisles to harvest the materials to manifest my vision (before it faded to oblivion).
Intuition can pay off. The craft store was having a 70% sale on 95% of the items I thought would bring my intention into and outcome.
A few adjustments were made to my envisioned list, since several items on the shelf resonated with what I wanted to create more than some I had in mind.
Thirty minutes after I returned home, I had a “made from scratch” front door wreath that was above and beyond what sparked the initial connection with the decoration that I saw earlier in the day. And at a significant lower cost than even the basic decoration that I saw earlier.
So, my nudge to fellow Introverts (and even others that aren’t), develop your awareness of your intuitive hunches, inspirations and nurture them (especially with states of flow), and you may be surprised how your natural creative energies will manifest some beauty and the joy of creating.