Feel like you’re trying doing a bad impression of an extrovert, or you’re a “party pooper” because you turn down invites? If you have:
(1) felt massive relief at cancelled plans
(2)had mild to huge annoyance in huge gatherings of strangers
(3) want to figure out how to socialize better and more effectively without social fatigue,
then this book is for you – written by someone exactly like you. Introvert Survival Tactics is going to shed light on exactly how you function, and how to use your tendencies to your advantage. Social survival tactics for your most demanding social obligations. Introvert Survival Tactics takes you on a tour of self-discovery, and allows you to understand your exact wiring and why you dread things that other people seem to look forward to the most. You’ll be armed with specific and actionable survival and party tactics to get the most out of your social energy and make an impact every time. Make the best impression even when you’re socially exhausted (especially if you’ve been told you look “unapproachable”).
Patrick King is an internationally bestselling author and social skills coach. More importantly, he’s also a massive introvert and struggled with what society told him to be for years, until he discovered how to make his introversion an advantage in his life. In this book, he will teach you how to feel completely at ease with yourself, while being the social powerhouse you want to be.